It's been awhile! So much has changed since my last blog entry. Raya is now 10 and a half months old. She started crawling shortly after the last time I wrote and now she's just about to start walking! She cruises around our living room furniture, touching it just enough to feel confident but not really needing the support. She can stand alone for as long as she wants. If I sit in front of her and say, "Come here to Mommy!" she might take a step or two... but if I provide something as simple as a string for her to hold while I hold the other end, she'll trot on over! The baby mind is silly and complex.
Her current favorite word is Bay-bay-BEEEE! Although Momomom and Dadada are a close second. Na-NA-na is also a fave. I believe this means she loves herself first, Mom & Dad second, and bananas third. Her favorite activities include pointing at the pictures on our hallway wall, climbing on Steve while squealing in delight, hanging out with Momomom as much as possible and playing row-your-boat with Dadada.
I'll try to post some pictures when I have a chance. Raya rarely allows me to spend much time on the computer. She LOVES the computer and is always trying to take over whenever she sees Michael or me on it. We got her a toy one. She's not fooled. They really need to make a toy computer that doesn't LOOK like a toy. Hasn't anyone caught on to this yet? Anyway, I was trying to take some cute pictures of her today but she just kept trying to grab my camera. So I gave her my camera and took this video of her instead...
Merry Christmas!
14 years ago