Here's what I can tell you...
-- I had mild morning sickness for a few weeks, but it was mainly just a faint nauseous feeling after I ate.
-- I've had no specific food aversions, other than just being extra picky about what I want to eat.
-- I actually craved vegetables in the first trimester, and still love anything tomatoee (V8, salsa, tomato soup, ketchup, bloody mary mix).
-- I am back in love with Thomas Cinnamon & Raisin bagels with cream cheese - my daily breakfast (I remember thinking after Raya was born that I could not understand why these items were so wonderful to me. Now I can't understand how they weren't!)
-- I want nothing to do with the brownies at the cafe down the street (which I was addicted to last time).
-- I eat Tim's Cascade Jalapeno potato chips every chance I get.
-- Too much pizza is so NOT a good thing this time around.
-- I don't miss drinking alcohol, but I do crave red wine (if only the non-alcoholic versions weren't so nasty!)
-- I do crave sweets periodically throughout the day, but in the form of candy, ice cream or cookies. NOT in the form of cake, pie or brownies.
-- I'm gaining weight slower, even though my belly is pretending to be 6 months pregnant already (I'm only in my 4th month).
-- I just finished my headache phase (fingers crossed) that I also experienced the first time around.
-- So far my complexion has remained unchanged. No dry, flaky skin like last time.
-- At my last check-up (yesterday), T2's heart was beating 150 beats per minute.
-- I feel healthy and upbeat and absolutely fabulous.
Now you tell me... Boy or Girl?
There's no wrong answer here. Part of me wishes I had one of each in there (a very small part of me who is crazy). Still, I'd like to know what you all think for fun's sake. We'll know the answer on February 28th!!
Well lets see... since I am the first to post, originally I thought boy, maybe it was more because there are SO many darn'd girls and the table should be switching soon,but after the last ultrasound pic I think girl because even when I tried to enlarge the ultrasound which I did, I did not see anything in between... even if it was "too early to tell"
SO I at least know I am 50% right :)
Well as you know my instincts are never correct, but I can't resist jumping on the band wagon and say that the baby already knows who she or he is and that they will enter the world as the individual they are meant to be. I will love the little he or she to pieces :)
Hmmm....Since you are craving the similar foods that I did, then I am thinking boy. However, we would be happy with a girl too! I asked Max again what he thinks, but this time I said is Aunt Hailey having a boy or a girl rather than a brother or sister for Raya. He said matter of factly, "Boy!" There you go! Although we all know he loves the girls too!
You look great Hailey!
Okay, this won't be that helpful, but it's all I got. When I think of you and Mike, I see you with a boy this time. But, I really picture Raya as a big sis with a little sister to play with.
I have the exact opposite gut reaction for myself. I totally see us having a little girl but I think Mackie is more likely to have a bro. Again, no help huh?
P.S. We love new cuzzy and can't wait to know!
Oops...I posted on Colin's account. It's me:)
Ha... Merry, you're funny. From what I've read, the very earliest they can possibly see anything on an ultrasound is 12-13 weeks. I was just 11 weeks during that ultrasound so any external organs probably weren't distinguishably... externalized... just yet :)
But who knows, you could still be right!! Half of me is hoping you are :)
Chris and I are both going to say "Boy". Though I do sort of hope for a duplicate of Raya, so I can try to convince you to give one of them to me since you will then have two :) Ha, ha! Can't wait to hear the news either way! SO exciting!
I'm thinking a girl. I know I've said boy, but because I really still think girl, and I was only saying boy because I really thought girl, but am never right, so I had to go against my instinct... Anyway, I decided I'd just go with my gut. Girl.
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