Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whoa whoa whoa...

... she's a LADY!

We decided to have the ultrasound technician put the gender results in an envelope for us so we could open it privately when we got home. Something about sharing that moment with a stranger just didn't feel right to us... although, it would've been cool to have her point out those body parts on the screen :) We barely got through the door before we sat together on our couch and tore open the envelope. First thing we saw was pink footprints. I figured it must be a bi-gender card and the blue footprints would be on the other side. Wrong. I looked at the word "girl" in complete shock. I thought for sure it was a boy during the ultrasound. As I watched my little baby move around and shy away from the camera, I thought, there's my son! Michael, on the other hand, was pretty sure he was looking at his daughter. And he was right! That was the first thing he said, by the way :)

Our daughter will be the luckiest girl in the world. Not only will she have a super cool boy cousin just 9 months older in Bellingham, she'll also have a best friend girl cousin just 2 months older here in Seattle. As if that weren't special enough, she'll also have all her second cousins on the Campbell side to play with and learn from. What a lucky baby.

We still don't have a name yet but we may decide to keep it secret until she arrives anyway... I've been told by a few friends that if you don't want opinions, wait to share the name until after the baby is born. People don't want to be rude when it's "official." Sounds like good advice to me! We'll see...

Until then, I'll just have to refer to her as Baby Girl Thompson. Or Baby G.T. for short :)

Here she is sucking her cute little thumb!!

I should've known she was a girl during my last blog entry. Michael doesn't dance. She's her Mama's daughter!!


McDolan said...

YIIPPEEEE!!!! I seriously can not believe all the girls, I thought for sure you would be having a boy... oh those teenage years will be so much fun- pulling out our gray dyed blond hair together just like our moms did. Our girls could also meet in the middle :) though it is a little less safe and quite a longer walk. Maybe Luke could be an escort... or something. I am super excited for you and Mike and like I said to Alyssa when they found out Mack was a girl I am excited for myself too :) and baby R.
Keep the name a secret - it is more fun that way and I promise not to even ask about it!!!!
Now what to do with all those boy clothes... drat I was counting on you :)

Alyssa said...

YIPPEE is right, Merry! I didn't realize how much I was hoping for a niece until about 3:00 pm today. My heart started racing with excitement at the thought of all these little girls growing up together and I just knew that was way it was supposed to be. I would've loved a nephew just as much, but I don't think I would've had the same reaction as I did for Baby G.T. Btw, Luke better be tough. He's got a lot of ladies to protect!

Unknown said...

YAY! I just figured it had to be a boy, because WHAT ARE THE ODDS that we'd all have girls so close together???

You're right about the dancing...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm really excited about my little niece!!!!!

Claudia said...

I am so happy and excited and full of joy. Just imagine it and then pump it up!

Okay Hailey, we have to start our New York in 2025 (yikes) fund for GT's 16th birthday. Maybe Marcia, Nyss and Mack would like to join us.

Ooh, you also have to save for a wedding.

I think Michael is a cute dancer. Remember how he twirled you out in the middle of the circle at you wedding? However, I do have to admit that between the two of you, you are the one that boogies.

Tammy Spence said...

Congratulations on the little girl! It seems like everyone I know is having a girl. You're going to be a great momma. And you're right, she is a very lucky little girl to be so close to family. Take care
p.s. I started a blog finally. Its called Tammyincharge.

RORYJEAN said...

Congrats! How exciting! A girl- girls are so fun to shop for- I hope I have one someday so I can buy the frilly stuff.

good plan with keeping the name secret. A few people told us they "Hated" the name Apollo, but we named him that anyway. I'm sure they would have kept it to themselves if it was already offical. Have you started shopping now that you know the gender?

Hailey said...

I haven't actually purchased anything since learning she's a girl... however, I do have a online shopping cart FULL of cute onsies :)

Marty and Jenny said...

Hailey, yay yay yay! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to meet the little baby girl Thompson!
how fun, shopping for baby girl clothes!